15th Street

Date unknown - 1900? from Chuck Julian postcard collection

Same view, date unknown - 1920? from Chuck Julian postcard collection
Elks Home
1910 postcard from Chuck Julian collection.
1911 postcard.
Elks Club 1904. (from Ohio County Public Library Flickr stream)//
39-15th Street
41-15th Street - Alice Apartments
Was this where Big Bill Lias lived? Bill Carney says so.
49-15ht Street - Riley Flats
51-15th Street
Or was this where Lias lived, as shown by Steve Novotney?
52-15th Street
Built 1910, offered Aug 2009 for $69,900
55-15th Street
The Friends of Wheeling's Jeanne Feinstein believes that this and adjacent houses, once called Fisher's Row, were probably build before the Civil War.
#55 was offered March 2012 for $29,900; a doctor's office.
Joanne Sullivan's collection of photos of this building and two adjacent ones - now being revitalized.
87-15th Street - Hazel-Atlas Building
Built 1931 for Hazel-Atlas Glass Co. Wikipedia description
1931 photo |
~1936 view from Wheeling Chamber of Commerce brochure |
(25 acres, 8 buildings)
Collecting Hazel-Atlas glassware More - with pictures
Wikipedia article
1931 photo
19XX: West Liberty State College
1972: West Virginia Northern Community College
2009: Youth Services System buys building
Information from The Intelligencer, Sept 20, 2008, p 19.
101-15th Street
Location of Wheeling Hospital 1853-6. Still standing in 1996 when Sisters of St Joseph purchased it for a House of Hospitality.
In 2010 it is a parking lot for the adjacent Youth Services Building. RIP.
136-15th Street
Photo by Joanne Sullivan form Intelligencer Galleries.
Once the home of tinner David Bayha whose business at 1918 Main Street had a distinctive ad in the 1903-04 Wheeling Directory. The house still contains tin accents. Bayha died a tragic death in 1910 when he fell from the roof of the Roney's Point home of Henry Schmulbach. According to a front-page newspaper report, he had been "inspecting the house to ascertain the conditions of the gutters and conductor pipes, with a view of making necessary repairs." This house and others on the block are to be torn down to build a sports complex.
Information from Friends of Wheeling meeting notice, Sept 18, 2011.||
150 and 152-15th Street
Both built 1910, 152 offered for $16,900 in August 2009; 150 priced at $29,000.
167-15th Street
Louis Friese House (currently owned by Patricia and Andrew Croft)
Assumed built by architect/contractor Freise (1862-1925), since his daughter and her husband lived in the house, until 1988.
(Information from Friends of Wheeling visit.)