Wheeling Suspension Bridge

from the 1870 map of Wheeling (Chicago Map Co.)
Note how east end of bridge seems to go into a building - the drawing is screwed up there!

From: Historic American Engineering Record, National Park Service, Long Heft Architects, 1984, by way of LOC.
Unknown to me painting of the Suspension Bridge; image from http://www.novanumismatics.com/numismatic-history/our-nations-first-interstate-its-toll-token/
Circus elephants crossing the bridge!
- Excellent collection historic links from Ohio County Public Library.
- NY Times article about Congressional discussions about the Wheeling Bridge Case in 1852.
- NY Times article on the Wheeling Bridge Case in 1852.
- The Wheeling Bridge Case: Its Significance in American Law and Technology - online book
- Wheeling Bridge Case from 1913 history of WV
- Iron Wire used in bridge
- Extensive bridge info
- Google Maps view
- Library of Congress photos from 1976
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