Aetnaville Bridge
This bridge is one of the most beautiful and ornate metal truss bridges I have ever seen. Its beauty is without compare.
Historic Bridges of Michigan and Elsewhere excellent website.

Sept 2009 view. Continuation of Georgia Street on Wheeling Island across the Ohio River to Ohio.
440 ft long bridge built in 1891 by Wrought Iron Bridge Co. of Canton, Ohio. Closed to vehicle traffic in 1988 and slated for demolition in summer 2015. Ohio Valley Trail Partners club is working to get the bridge preserved as part of walking/biking trail stretching from Ohio to Washington, DC.
Information from Wheeling Intelligencer, Dec 11, 2014.
Best info about the bridge
Modern photos
Google Maps view
Historic Bridges of Michigan and Elsewhere excellent website.

Sept 2009 view. Continuation of Georgia Street on Wheeling Island across the Ohio River to Ohio.
440 ft long bridge built in 1891 by Wrought Iron Bridge Co. of Canton, Ohio. Closed to vehicle traffic in 1988 and slated for demolition in summer 2015. Ohio Valley Trail Partners club is working to get the bridge preserved as part of walking/biking trail stretching from Ohio to Washington, DC.
Information from Wheeling Intelligencer, Dec 11, 2014.
Best info about the bridge
Modern photos
Google Maps view