Heritage Park
When complaining of consistent wrong moves by subsequent city governments, a noted exception has to be made for Heritage Park, which is a treasure. It is located where the city wharfs used to be - the transportation center of Wheeling. Centered around an amphitheater of seats leading downhill to a stage area and the river beyond, the park is used for fireworks (launched from the Suspension Bridge), concerts, festivals and heritage day events. The park stretches from the Convention Center on the south to the Suspension Bridge, and connects in both directions to the Heritage Trail, a great paved trail for walking and biking.
Heritage Park replaces a large and ghastly parking garage that misused the most scenic piece of real estate of the downtown area.
Scattered along the riverfront park are statues commemorating various community groups and people.
[hide]Irish Cross
Cross honoring Irish immigrant's contributions to building Wheeling.
Warwick China Statute
Sisters of St. Joseph Plaque
Warwick China Statute |
Sisters of St Joseph |
Congressional Medal of Honor
A new(?) memorial to war heroes - I wonder if there is a memorial for Congressional Medal of Honor winners from more recent wars? Perhaps there are more names on the other side that I didn't look at!
MIlitary Memorial
Walter Reuther
This commemoration of perhaps Wheeling's most famous son is at the south end of Heritage Park near the Civic Center.

Looking north along Heritage Park from WesBanco.